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【FLM】天文攝影師-宮坂雅博 相關採訪 2013-07-19   


日本天文攝影師 宮坂雅博 先生也是德國孚勒姆FLM雲台腳架的使用者





以下為日本代理公司採訪日本攝影師 宮坂雅博 先生的內容



We interviewed a regular FLM user Mr.Miyasaka and his pupil, Ms.Komatsu.


宮坂雅博 先生(攝影師)

 He has become a champion of a category ‘Earth and Space’of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012.


小松由利江 小姐

 She was fascinated by Mr. Miyasaka’s photography so that she has been his pupil ever since.



 A beauty of Mr.Miyasaka’s photos takes your breath away. In fact, he has won a championship in a category of ‘Earth and Space of Astronomy photographer of the Year 2012. Many people has requested him for his shooting lecture.



與FLM的偶遇 The encounter with FLM products…

Mr.Miyasaka and Ms.Komatsu started to use FLM products by an introduction from the president of a photo studio that Ms.Komatsu works for. He found the products at

Agai Trading Corporation booth in the exhibition “PHOTO NEXT 2012” in Japan on 26-27 June 2012. He has already owned a ball head, but he decided to get FLM ball heads.

小松小姐所在的攝影工作室的經理向宮坂先生和小松小姐推薦了FLM的產品。他在2012年6月26-27日在日本舉辦的“PHOTO NEXT 2012”展會上發現FLM產品的時候,他已經有了一個雲台,但他還是立刻決定購買FLM的產品。

The reason is FLM products have CB-43FTR , CB-38FTR and CP26-M3S.

宮坂先生選擇的FLM產品包括了 CB-43FTR , CB-38FTR 以及 CP26-M3S

Mr. Miyasaka gave us some good points regarding FLM ball heads and carbon tripods.



FLM雲台 A bout FLM Ball Heads

He said, “Good point about FLM ball heads is very precise and safety”


①“A basic point about ball heads is to stay a direction of camera whichever you want, and this ball head’s stopper is very steadfast! It makes sense this reason because the ball is sharpened by hand.


When I take starlit sky, I slant it in this way and use it. It doesn’t fall down then. I also am saved to use it.


Just closing the knob makes a perfect tilt, and it really helps shooting. Although it’s a ball head, it has a nice usability as two ways, panning and tilting.”


②The way of putting on the quick release system is confusing at a glance. Therefore,

when I use it, I concentrate on the setup. This concentration could prevent from dropping my camera.


I have an image that the products made in Europe have a high safety level. FLM products are the ones. I felt that a consideration of FLM for the product security is wonderful and very different from the products made in Japan.


③“Other good point is that this ball head has a button which can set the tripod and the stand firmly. The small details of product may seem complicated to use, but once you get used to it, there is nothing easier than this product! ”



►關於三腳架 About Tripod

①Fascinating point about FLM tripods is solidly built and light. I used to imagine the tripods made in Germany as heavy items. It is convenient for me to use as low stands.



►拍攝體驗 Joined the shooting!

We actually joined their shooting after the interview. We had a shooting at a place close to town under -10 ℃on that day.


Even though Mr. Miyasaka and Ms. Komatsu often have a shooting in such cold environment, FLM tripod and carbon stand have no problem for the smooth setup. Mr. Miyasaka stated, “Another good point of both FLM ball heads and tripods could be set as usual even if they were in a extremely cold situation. It is usual to be under -10 ℃here, so I am grateful for being able to use these products without any problems.”



►總結 Conclusion

We, Agai Trading Corporation thank Mr. Miyasaka and Ms.Komatsu for letting us interview them and observe the shooting.


As our last question, we asked them whether FLM products have any problems or concerns. They answered, “We have never found any problems”.


We were very happy to have such comment.


Lastly, we will continue to support all photographers’ shooting environment with security through FLM products. Once again, thank you both so much for the cooperation.


Agai Trading Corporation



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